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Our roots

The Association was established on the 24th of July 2021. Its origin is linked to a group of independent citizens from Cascais and/or with connections to Carcavelos that, gathered in a non-partisan civic movement with the same name fought to preserve the last seaside urban woods of the Linha do Estoril located in the Quinta dos Ingleses (the popular name given to the Quinta de Santo António) in Carcavelos that was being threatened by an urban planning called “Plano de Pormenor do Espaço de Restruturação Urbanística de Carcavelos Sul” (PPERUCS = Layout Plan of the Urban Restructuring Space of South Carcavelos).

The pioneers of the civic movement were:
  • Tiago Albuquerque, environmental activist (founder)

  • Pedro Jordão, lawyer, legal expert (founder)

  • Manuel Valadas Preto, consultant, environmental coordinator

  • Ana Cristina Marques, professor, activist, responsible for the communication


Having as foundation the article 66th (Environment and Quality of Live) of the Portuguese Constitution, we have been promoting several actions, among which:


  • Organisation of demonstrations (as the human chain, on the 5th of June 2021, that brought to the park boundaries hundreds of citizens and received a wide press coverage);

  • Writing pressure and awareness letters to several individuals from the government, public and private organisations of nature and environmental protection, including one to António Guterres, general secretary of the United Nations, on the 3rd of July of 2021;

  • Organisation of the initiative “Saturdays at the Quinta”, in May 2021, with actions that praised the green areas of the Quinta dos Ingleses in ludic, educative, sportive events;

  • Hearing in the Commission for the Environment, Energy and Territory of the Assembly of the Republic in May 2021, following a proposal by PAN party to the AR to classify the Quinta dos Ingleses as protected landscape. The proposal received the supporting votes of the following parties: PS, BE, PCP, PAN, PEV, IL and the abstention of the PSD, CDS and CH. It recommends the government to “Environmental and patrimonial protection and valuation of Quinta dos Ingleses, ensuring its balance with the remaining urban and environmental ecosystems”;

  • Call to the participation in Public Discussions, that, according to official counting, received more than 9000 participations AGAINST the parcelling/urban plan;

  • Launching and promotion of a petition that, in 2018, got over 7000 supporting signatures;

  • Production of communication material, press releases and participation in media interviews;

  • Creation and management of a virtual group in several social networks (SOS Quinta dos Ingleses);

  • Hundreds of meetings and debates with many different players (political, legal, citizenship, environmental, business, etc); 

  • Participation and supporting other entities in public discussions.




Fauna e flora na Quinta dos Ingleses
As an association, SOS Quinta dos Ingleses will pursue the same line of action, counting with the proactive collaboration of its members, volunteers and other participants.
Our actions in images

From the organization of demonstrations to actions that raise awareness and reuse Quinta dos Ingleses for recreational, sporty and educational purposes; through encouraging regular cleaning of the area and interventions at the Environment Committee as representatives of those who defend a more dignified future for Quinta dos Ingleses—our fight for this cause so far has been relentless, and it will continue to be so!

Saturdays at Quinta dos Ingleses
Saturdays at Quinta dos Ingleses
Saturdays at Quinta dos Ingleses
Saturdays at Quinta dos Ingleses
Saturdays at Quinta dos Ingleses
Saturdays at Quinta dos Ingleses
Saturdays at Quinta dos Ingleses
Saturdays at Quinta dos Ingleses
Regular initiatives
Regular initiatives
A torre de água na Quinta dos Ingleses

Historical legacy

Quinta dos Ingleses is linked to the history of submarine cables, the introduction of football in Portugal and the winemaking tradition of Carcavelos.

Fauna e flora na Quinta dos Ingleses

Fauna and Flora

Quinta dos Ingleses has an enormous natural wealth, with a biodiversity that is important to preserve.


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