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What now? New steps in the fight for the preservation of Quinta dos Ingleses

Our journey towards the preservation of Quinta dos Ingleses has been long, full of moments of tdeep concern, sometimes everything seemed to go well and other times with a despair that almost made us stop the fight – but we are not the kind that gives up.

Critical times are now approaching for the future of Carcavelos Quinta dos Ingleses.

The deadline for suspension of the licensing process of the intended urbanization of the centennial pinewood is being finalized and the results of the last public consultation by the municipality should be very soon released.

As is publicly known, the Municipality of Cascais (CMC) has not expressed a firm position with the explicit purpose of preservation of the Farm. Indeed, although it is known that the competence for the repeal of the PPERUCS (Urbanization Plan for the south area of Carcavelos) and for the classification of the Farm as a local protected area of environmental interest belongs to the Municipality, the CMC has repeatedly stated that it is up to the central Government to solve the problem, denying its own responsibility in the process.

If one could have expected that a change in the composition of the municipal bodies would allow the classification of that green area – and the creation of an exemplary urban green park for the benefit of the present and future generations and for the protection of the beach and surfing – the results of the past 26 September municipal elections make us fear the worst.

It is therefore essential to take new steps, with the preparation of studies and technical opinions and the use of legal procedures to halt the imminent ecocide and the definitive, irreversible, destruction of Quinta dos Ingleses.

That's what SOS QUINTA DOS INGLESES is now betting on.

As we know, from the evidence given so far, only TOGETHER WE WILL ACHIEVE!


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SOS Quinta dos Ingleses

A nonpartisan civic movement that advocates for the preservation of the Quinta dos Ingleses woodland, and that formed as an association on June 24, 2021, and as an NGO on October 1, 2024.



SOS Quinta dos Ingleses - NIF 516447920 |  Termos

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