On September 6, SOS Quinta dos Ingleses and the Fórum for Carcavelos met with the Secretary of State for Nature Conservation, Forestry and Spatial Planning, Dr João Catarino, to discuss the protection of Quinta dos Ingleses. The conversation resulted in the manifestation of the Government's total availability to support the preservation of that area and confirmation of European funds, from the Resilience and Recovery Plan, for this purpose. However, the Secretary of State underlined that legally this can only happen after the reversal of the situation created by the approval of the PPERUCS. The competence for this rests with the CMC. We hope that in the post-election scenario, which the population of Cascais will soon decide, the future CMC executive will be genuinely willing to revoke the PPERUCS and classify Quinta dos Ingleses as a local protected area. The Secretary of State also stated that funding would increase if Quinta dos Ingleses is preserved, but only if the Municipality and NGOs make an official application. SOS Quinta dos Ingleses expressed its total commitment to preparing future preservation projects and submitting applications for these funds together with the Municipality to have the most significant possible funding for the preservation and improvement of Quinta dos Ingleses and all its arboreal and historical heritage.