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Results of the survey on Quinta dos Ingleses

In November 2022, we appealed to our followers, partners, volunteers and participants to fill in and share the "Survey on Quinta dos Ingleses", through which we intended to gather important information for our work. After four months, we had a total of 1354 participations, an expressive number of which we are proud, as it reveals the growing interest in the cause of Quinta dos Ingleses, and for which we would like to thank all those who responded and helped us to reach more people. Thanks to you, we were able to gather data and opinions and inform and raise awareness about what is at stake and the means at our disposal to one day save this beautiful, unique space together.

Today, we want to share with you the analysis we made of the answers to each of the questions. It was dedicated but passionate work, in line with our dedication to preserving this Quinta that we want to continue to see in the future of Carcavelos.

To each of you, thank you very much for your efforts in responding and for sharing this survey. This document reflects a joint effort, a true teamwork of ours and yours. Together we will save Quinta dos Ingleses!

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